Eau Claire, Mi
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2020 (4)
Jim Craig

Jim Craig

Co-Founder at Conotext
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Bio Jim is the co-founder and principal strategist at Conotext. He is a fintech pioneer with an extensive background in community FI branding and messaging, including digital content and SEO strategies. Jim also helps community banks and credit unions with data-driven marketing strategies and tactics, as well as online retail experience design.


Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Human-focused Digital Banking Has Arrived

08 Oct 2020

How do community financial institutions (FIs) stay relevant during and beyond the pandemic? Well, the first thing is, leadership needs to change its view of what digital banking (and digital marketing) means. When ATMs hit the US scene in 1969, this was the first wave of what has become known as digital banking. In this iteration, it was about auto...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Make Sure You’re Deploying the Right Digital Marketing Strategy

03 Sep 2020

A small survey from fintech marketing firm Kasasa revealed that 56% of community financial institutions have a social media marketing budget of $1,000 or less. Another survey from WebStrategy noted that almost half of community financial institutions that responded spend between 10-19% of their marketing budget on social media marketing. Developi...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Avoid These Mistakes When Launching a Digital Marketing Strategy

24 Jul 2020

If we have learned anything in the first half of 2020, it’s that having a digital marketing strategy is no longer a ‘nice to have’ option. It’s absolutely crucial for community financial institutions (FIs) to step up their digital game if they plan on competing for new customers and members moving forward. It may feel like the pandemic has tied com...

Marketing in Financial Services

3 Steps to Keep and Grow Your Digital Customers

15 Jun 2020

Beyond the pandemic and the economic tsunami it has caused, there are some parts of the financial industry that will never go back to the way things were. And the one that sticks out the most is how traditional banking will be redefined in coming years. A digital transition was certainly underway. But for most financial institutions (FIs), that sim...